fashion | beauty | lifestyle

Thursday 24 September 2015

I'm Back....

Yup, you read right. I'm hopefully not lying when I say I'm back!! I honestly couldn't even tell you where I've been for the past few months.. I just haven't had any mojo and even felt like closing shop completely. I'm not sure what's come over me (maybe the fact my boyfriend has just got a PS4 so I'll be looking for ways to kill the time..) but I really am raring to go and more excited than ever! I'm going to use the rest of this year to get back into the swing of things and then I'm hoping 2016 will be my year for all things blogging. I'm going to get myself a new design, some new and different ideas and get on with it! YAY! 

I'm now starting to make the final preparations for the #SuffolkBloggerMeet, which is all a bit crazy at the moment as I've also just started a new job and I am working some crazy hours. I am LOVING my new job, I think its something I really do well in and it's perfect for me, but enough of work talk, I'll save that for another time. 

I don't want to keep 'daisy walters' (a name change?! oooh errr....) as all things beauty, I want to add some other aspects in to it. I'm not saying I'll become some fashion guru, because lets be honest, that will not be happening any time soon. But hey, a bit of a mix would be lovely, wouldn't it?! So if you have any ideas of what you want to see on here, please do let me know.

Oh and also, thank you so very much for all your kind tweets asking where I am. I'm still here. Just getting my head around life and balancing it as best as I can.



  1. I think it's great that you've had some time away opposed to 'forcing it' which a lot of people tend to do. I think that's what sucks the fun out of blogging. I sometimes have some quiet time away too and it really does do you the world of good. I'm up for seeing fashion and lifestyle posts too X


  2. Yay - I have missed your blog popping up on my bloglovin' feed.

    I always love watching your videos so more of those! :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  3. Yay welcome back :D Sometimes it's great to have a mini break and when you come back you're refreshed and energised! So glad you have you back :D

    Lucie xx


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