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Monday 1 December 2014

BLOGMAS | The Christmas Tag

For the second year I am doing Blogmas!! If you follow me on Twitter you would have seen me stressing about it as I hadn't planned my posts. I took part in Blogmas last year and I just wrote a post day by day but this time I wanted to plan my posts in advance. I've planned most of them but today was an empty day so I just found a Christmas themed tag I thought I'd do.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
I'm not a film person whatsoever but Christmas films are different. Of course you HAVE to watch films at Christmas!! Elf (of course) and all The Nativity films! 

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
I actually read this and thought 'what a stupid question, of course Christmas morning' buuuut actually I do both! My nan was Norwegian and we always used to celebrate Christmas with my dads side of the family on Christmas eve. Then with my mums side on Christmas day! So a bit of both.

 3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
Very cliche, but every Christmas since my brother was born has been amazing. Having someone so much younger than you to celebrate with is so lovely, and especially seeing how happy and excited he get's! Another memory is my first Christmas with my boyfriend. :-)

4. Favourite festive food?
I hate food. If you know me, I'm the fussiest eater EVER. On Christmas day, I usually have pizza or a microwave curry. Yes, I'm being serious!! 

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I actually don't have a clue!? I always love whatever I get for Christmas! Tough question..

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I LOVE cinnamon but it can get very overpowering if you smell it for too long. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Christmas scents.. they are all very sickly after too long!

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
As I mentioned, we used to celebrate Christmas day on Christmas eve with my dads side of the family. Me and my brother also open 1 present each, and we also get new PJ's from the elves :-)

8. What tops your tree?
Good question.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
Defo not crazy, wild or extravagant but I ALWAYS used to ask for candy floss machines. I don't even know why, I just loved the idea!! My mum would NEVER get me one though.

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Again, cliche buuut just the whole Christmas thing. It's such a lovely time of the year! Love being with my family, all the excuses to dress up in nice outfits and drink alcohol. Oh, and I love getting presents.. Just being honest! 

Please feel free to use these questions if you're stuck for some! Link me if you do, I'd love to read them! Just a quickkkk post for today, I promise Blogmas will get better :-)

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?



  1. I love Nativity, it is by far my favourite Christmas film x

    1. I love it! There is a third one out, I can't wait to go and see it!! :-) X

  2. Glad to see you're also doing blogmas! These were fun to read, I also never have traditional Christmas dinner, haha!

    Jade x ♡

    1. Oooh are you doing Blogmas too?! I have the most random Christmas dinners!! X

  3. I absolutely love this tag. Your answers were lovely! My favourite thing about Christmas is cooking a roast on Christmas Day for my Mum and Dad! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  4. I always ask for a puppy or kitten but am still waiting!! x

    Cream Tea And Rose Jam

    1. Hahahahaha!!!! Oh dear, I think you'll be waiting for a while!! X

  5. Ooh, these questions are great! I love your answers -- I'm glad to know I'm not the only fussy eater, either! My diet on Christmas usually consists of potatoes and maybe a little baked pasta, I don't often touch the rest of it. I think I may pinch these questions to post on my blog later on for Blogmas -- I'm starting a bit late!

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. Yes! I'll have a read if you do. Nope, I'm stupidly fussy so don't worry! There is a few of us ;-) X

  6. OMG DAISY I LOVE YOU. The only other person alive that I know to have pizza on Christmas Day, I am toooo fussy so have either pizza or mac n cheese, true story. Feel like I've found a soul mate now hahahha.

    What Abby Loves


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