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Tuesday 30 December 2014

Soap & Glory - Love At First Blush

These were two of my Christmas presents. I had asked for them both from my step dads mum & dad so I sort of knew what I was getting, however I was still very happy when I opened it! I hadn't seen the blush in real life, I found it online when I was frantically searching for a Christmas list (as I hadn't made one because I didn't have a clue what I wanted, shocking I know!)

Apart from the S&G tingly lipgloss that I think every blogger and their dog owns, this is my first S&G makeup product which is very exciting. I have heard amazing things though, so I was very happy to open this! 

Although online describes it as 'pink, pop & pearl' I've been telling people its almost like a blush, highlighter and bronze in one - because it is. The pink is very rosy cheeked, the lighter 'pearl' is SUCH a gorgeous highlight and you could easily use the third one as a bronze if you didn't have any to hand. 

As a fairly 'new' blusher user, I don't tend to change my blushers up much. I generally (as I do with all my make up) use the same product for months and then have a change up. I know I have accumulated enough make up for 20 girls in the past year but theres just something about changing my makeup I hate. I know where I am with my basic makeup and I know nothing can go wrong. What I'm trying to get at is that this gorgeous little thing has fast replaced my every day blush.

Although I asked for a blusher and a blusher brush, I didn't actually ask for them to come together so it was even more of a surprise when they did. I have wanted the RT blusher brush since.. well since I saw it I guess. Here's a strange fact: I have never bought myself any of the RT brushes I own. I couldn't tell you why, I just haven't. 

I would say that this brush is probably the best one I own out of at the RT brushes so far. I just love it. It's such a perfect shape and density to apply powder onto the cheek. I haven't tried cream blushes (because we all know me and cream blushes DO NOT GET ON) but I can imagine that it would also do the trick for those too. This is just 10/10, I luuuurve it.

Together these two are like a cheek dream-team duo. Don't believe me? Find out for yourself.

What is your cheek dream-team duo??? I'd love to find out!



  1. These are lovely products, and I love the shades in the blush! I love using the rt contour brush for blush and I tend to mix the blush colour up a bit :)

    Velvet Blush

  2. I have this blush and I love it. Great post xx

  3. It looks so so pretty, I must get my hands on it! Great review :)

  4. I love this blush, I'll be getting this next time I am in town, and I know what you mean about changing your make up look i am the same xxx

  5. I'm exactly the same, I prefer using the same product until it runs out, even if I collect other makeup in the mean time! The Love At First Blush is stunning, I have a few similar products and they do make a perfect blusher/ highlighter!

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  6. I made my Christmas list super late as well this year! Something like 4 days before Christmas... haha! That blusher brush looks like something I could definitely add to my collection. I bought the core collection earlier this year and for christmas I received the eye set. Used to love S&G makeup, you've rekindled some of my feelings for them!! x

    Hannah x | hannatalks

  7. The brush sounds amazing and the blush looks so beautiful! Xo

  8. I love Real Techniques Blush Brush! I have never used Soap & Glory Make up products, just body products - need to try this out :D x

  9. Ooh, I just ordered the Real Techniques blusher brush - glad to hear you like it :D xx

    Magpie Jasmine || GIVEAWAY!: Urban Decay/Nars/Charlotte Tilbury/Too Faced

  10. This blush looks Stunning! I might have to purchase this next time I'm walking by my local boots!
    Lots of love, meg xo

  11. I have this blush too but I use it as a highlight, it's such a nice product xxx

    Maisy Meow | Fashion and Beauty Blog

  12. Soap and Glory do some of the best high street make up. This blush looks gorgeous x

  13. This reminds me of something Smashbox would do! I've tried a few S&G makeup products (I liked their mascara a lot!) and definitely want to try out some more :)

    Milly // Mini Adventures

  14. I love using my Maybelline fit me stick foundation with my Becca One Perfecting Brush (:

  15. That blush is so pretty! I have literally never seen it in before but I certainly need to go and get it!!

    Lovely blog


  16. that's so pretty!

    from helen at

  17. That is so pretty, I love my Real technique Brushes and have a very similar soap and glory blush which I use regular also , great post

  18. The soap and glory looks just like the smashbox 3 in one product I have! The RT blush brush is awesome, Deffo one of my favourites!


  19. I haven't heard of the Soap & Glory brand but I think I'm missing out because this blush looks amazing!

  20. I own this blusher too, I think it gives a lovely bronzed glow :) xx

    Ioanna | | Check out my 100 follower GIVEAWAY

  21. I very near bought the Soap and Glory blush the other day, it's so pretty! I think I may have to make a purchase. Such a lovely post and great pictures too!xx

    Honeypot Blogs

  22. I'm yet to try any Soap and Glory face makeup (I've only used the mascara and lipgloss before) but this looks lovely! Real Techniques brushes are great aren't they?
    Thanks for leaving your link on twitter, followed you on bloglovin!
    lily x

  23. Ooh this is so pretty, I want one!! I have the RT Blush Brush but I don't use it that often, I find it quite prickly on my face. I will deep condition it next time I was it and hope it softens up!

    Anoushka xx

  24. I love the RT blush brush, it's one of my favourites too! The soap and glory blush looks so pretty, I'll definitely have to get myself it soon!

    Sophie x |

  25. The Soap & Glory blush is so beautiful! I absolutely love the Real Techniques blush brush, although I haven't actually tried using it with cream blush. I agree that it's perfect for applying powder :) xx


  26. I have always lusted after this, think I need to finally pick it up!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  27. I've had my eye on that blusher for a while looks so pretty!
    Bec Boop

  28. This is gorgeous, I really want to try this and the Wonder Bronze!

    alice xo | beautybyalicee

  29. This Soap & Glory blush looks gorgeous, need to have a look at it next time I'm in Boots. RT brushes are such great value and amazing quality, this particular blush brush is also a favourite of mine x

    Beauty with charm

  30. This looks gorgeous! x

  31. I always stop and look at that blush, but for some reason, I always walk away. I think it may be time I finally picked it up! Thanks for sending your link over in the twitter chat!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx

  32. Adore this! I always watch it when I pop into Boots, it is on the list!! x

  33. I've been eyeing this blush up for a while it's stunning! I have to agree with the blush brush I find that it is perfect due to its tapered shape :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  34. This is legit love at first sight!! Oooh it looks perfect - I've wanted blusher come highlighter for ages and don't get along with brozers too well but this looks like the perfect compromise! Lucy, xx

  35. Not a big fan of blush but might just have to try this Soap & Glory one. I'm a big fan of their bath products, but I've actually never tried any of their make-up range. (Apart from the lip plumping lip gloss. Obviously!) x


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