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Monday 13 July 2015

#eBayFinds 5

Missguided Crop Top £2 | Topshop Blouse £3.50

I'm actually shocked I'm still writing these posts. I think this is the longest I've ever kept up with something so you should all be proud of me (even if it did take a while to get up and running!). If you're confused what I'm even talking about you can catch up with the previous posts HEREHEREHERE and HERE. A bit of a mixed bag this week, 2 items as usual but with 1 being from eBay and 1 being from a selling site like last week.

Missguided Crop Top £2, brand new with tags. Price: £2 Delivery: None
I actually bought the skirt to this about a week before I saw this on my Facebook feed. This was from the same girl that I bought the skirt from last week, I bought a lot from her. I have never ordered/worn a co-ord because I genuinely cannot pull them off to save my life but she wanted so little for the top I thought I'd get it anyway. I tried it on once, I couldn't even do it up over my boobs. I've never tried again.

On a completely different note, Missguided sizes are soooo strange! I admittedly have put on a fair bit of weight recently but a few months ago I ordered a skirt which was a size 6; as I would usually buy. It wasn't even close to fitting. I ordered an 8 and it fits but it's tight. I couldn't cope with ordering a 10, not that there is anything wrong with being a size 10 but how can someone fit in a size 4 pair of jeans from Topshop and need a size 10 skirt from a different website?! Has anyone else found their sizing weird?! Would love to know! Back to the blog post...

Topshop Blouse, worn. Price: £3.50 Delivery: £4
I paid too much for this item. For starters, it's over 2 years worth of seasons out of date. I was sucked in to a eBay war, as usual. I'm competitive, what can I say?! Secondly, I'm an avid eBayer. I know how much it costs to post a flimsy little blouse and I can tell you right now it isn't £4. If you really tried you cost post it in a letter, it would even cost £1 but hey ho it could be an honest mistake. 

Nevertheless I'm the stupid one that paid this amount of money and luckily I really love the top. It's a bit tight on my shoulders but not so much that I can't wear it. It's very see-through so I have to wear something underneath which, if I'm honest, I hate the look of. But it's a really lovely summery top that I think I will get a fair bit of wear out of and then I could just sell it on again to make some of my money back. Walaaah!

Have you got any #eBayFinds? Tweet me with pictures! Would love to see them :)

What was your favourite item of today? Let me know in the comments!



  1. eBay is my saviour sometimes! I mean, who doesn't want to buy brand new with tags clothing for 99p? I'm such a cheapskate, but I love it.
    Bee xxx

  2. I just love eBay for clothing bargains, it's the best. That MissGuided top is super pretty

  3. After reading these posts I've been all over my ebay game, currently waiting on three items to be delivered... watch this space ;)

    Rosy |

  4. I absolutely hate Missguided sizes too. I remember last year buying a jumpsuit for my holiday and both sizes 10 and 12 wouldn't go over my boobs. It made me too depressed to even contemplate a 14 :( and I've not attempted buying a jumpsuit again haha.
    That blouse is so cute though!!
    Lucy @ Lucy—Loves xx

  5. I love your ebay finds posts! I've found a couple of awesome items on ebay for cheap recently! xx

    Autumn | A Fabulous Hippie

  6. I'm well impressed that you've kept this up!

    Anoushka Loves xx

  7. Love a good ebay find! Years ago I found some DKNY shoes and got them for £10 and was made up! The bidding wars are addictive though aren't they!

    Laura xx |

  8. Omg I have been looking for that missguided top for soooo long!!! I have the skirt and love it, but really want to wear them together! Great find :)
    Jennie Emma


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