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Tuesday 8 July 2014

GG 'Guru Gossip' Scandal

So this post is definitely going to have a very varied response.. Should I write it, should I not. I'm not bothered. I will write what I want on MY blog. I basically just want to get my opinion across so I'm not tweeting about it or listening to other peoples tweets. Let me begin. 

What is it about?
A few months ago it was found out that people had been trashing bloggers on 'GG' (simply a bloggers/youtubers hate site) and it then came out that some of the people trashing were actually fellow bloggers, some of which our friends. There was accusations, fall outs and lots of nasty words exchanged which took bloggers twitters by storm to say the least! 

When this all came around I made sure that I kept out of it, after all it wasn't me that was being spoke about. I literally stayed off twitter for a day or so just to avoid it as it became VERY boring. It became apparent that one of my 'closer' blogging friends had been spoken about a was very upset about it. It all blew over and not much was said until now..

What has happened now?
This week more revelations have come out. A full list leaking the actual bloggers that were writing the hate comments. 

The list has been shown on Twitter a few times with lots of people being very shocked at some of the outcomes. Some were what people considered very close friends, some even best friends. Again, the GG scandal has taken bloggers Twitters by storm. I would like to say I am NOT involved at all, I'm simply stating my opinion.

Why is everyone going crazy over it?
This is one tweet that I've seen quite a lot. People maybe not understanding what has gone on can't see why people are so annoyed and there are a few reasons, some people have more reason to be annoyed than others but these are the reasons I believe bloggers in general should be annoyed: 
  1. If you were spoken about. I think this is pretty obvious and doesn't even really need to be said. If you were spoken about, of course you're going to be annoyed. I certainly would be. I know it upset A LOT of people who were spoken about as it would me. If I'm honest and I was in the situation where I'd been trashed on a very horrible website, I would probably delete my blog.
  2. Bloggers are a 'close knit group'. You will see a lot bloggers saying 'oh this community is so lovely, we are all so friendly!' which I'd 100% agree with. This whole 'scandal' took the blogging world by absolute storm because everyone is your friend! You never expect people to bitch about your blog, certainly not on a site like GG! 
  3. The leaked bloggers consisted mainly of 'big' bloggers. Now as I'm not directly involved this was the one thing that upset me most. A good 75% (maybe more) of the bloggers leaked had  several thousand followers. So what gave them the right to bitch about other bloggers?! Especially when they have been through all the hardship of starting a blog, gaining followers and mostly learning about whats good and whats not! 
I don't really know where I'm trying to go with this post, maybe to just insight people in to the situation if you don't already know, tell you what I think about it all.. I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that GG is a nasty, horrendous site and it really has made me think more about a lot of people. 

I can't believe that this site was MADE let alone is actually being used! It certainly shouldn't be being used by bloggers and I just want to say that if you are using it and you think you can get away with it.. think again. You will get found out, theres no doubt about that. There are TOO many clever people out there that can work out ways to find things out. 

What is your view on all this? I would love to know. 

*I would just like to state I was NOT involved in this, I HAVENT been spoken about and I HAVENT spoken about anyone. Just putting that out there :-)*


  1. Just had to stop by and give you a massive high five for doing this! xxx

    1. Thank you hun, I just felt I needed to say something. Will probably end up deleting this but it can stay for now!! xxx

  2. Hii,

    Great post ! Talking trash about other bloggers is a waste of time and just ridiculous. Happy you did that post.


  3. I am so glad I finally understand what GG stands for! I can see why people are upset, it's basically bullying and I'd be devastated if someone had been bitching about my blog on a site. That being said, I am definitely staying out of it! well done you for posting though.

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

    1. I would be absolutely devastated! And I'm still staying out of it, just wanted to voice my opinions haha x x

  4. Love this post!! Glad you had the balls to post it!! And I'm glad because I've actually found your blog through all the talk on twitter about GG! Every cloud has a silver lining!!


  5. Thanks for posting this. I just think the whole thing is so sad and disappointing. Its exactly how you say - I've always found everyone to be so welcoming and lovely. Even the bigger bloggers like you, Gemma above and Sugarfixx have been lovely and welcoming to a newbie like me. To find out some people aren't genuine makes me feel a little like being told Santa isn't real! I love the fact I've met people who also love the things I do, and I'm proud of all of them for sticking at it and making something a success. It's truly sad that some people feel the need to rip others down, and honestly? Its way more of a reflection on them than on the 'big bloggers'. Some of the comments on that site are disgusting and un-neccessary. I think we fight the hate with love and positiity! Anyway, makes me kind of glad to be a small fry (someone called me a 'boutique blogger' once, and I love it). After all, its supposed to be fun at the end of the day - the people on GG are taking it waaayy too seriously and need to get a life. Someone having success does not take away from you, they need to realise that. We should pity them really. Great post that explained it all really well. You have a great blog and genuinely, I wish you every success - and all the other bloggers out there!

    1. I certainly pity them! Probably just jealous and nothing better to do ;-)
      Thank you for your comment x x x

  6. I was completely oblivious of this, it's disgusting that 'big bloggers' are doing this. I mean it's discouraging people from blogging in fear of being ridiculed. Molly Louise Blogs

    1. Exactly, nailed it! If I had seen that and was thinking about blogging I would be terrified! X x

  7. There will always be haters everywhere but it's sad to see who was behind this really. Some people probably take themselves too seriously I suppose.
    Personally, I just like to write about what's on my mind and what I like, I am not bothered if some people decide they don't like it. We should be blogging for ourselves and no one else! Thanks for this post :)

    Elodie xx

  8. Hadn't heard of any of this so thank you for filling us in. This sounds like a nasty little group that is a combination of people who haven't grown out of playground bullying tactics and people who want publicity and attention at any price. I may be misunderstanding as I haven't seen anything myself but then I'm never very savvy about things. I do think it's a shame when people, whether via the internet or in real life, choose to boost their own egos at the expense of others.

    Heather x

  9. I agree with you about the big bloggers thing, you'd think they'd know better! I had a peek at the site and actually saw a girl posting a zoomed in pic of the dirt under a bloggers fingernails and slagging her for it!! Unbelievably sad that these people have nothing better to do x

  10. Such a shame to see this, some of the bloggers on that list were some of my faves very disappointing xx

  11. I only discovered all about this during the week and was shocked by the few names I was told were on the list, one being my favourite blogger, well she's not anymore. I have unfollowed her blog and social media, I just can't abide bullying or slagging people who can't defind themselves. If they wanted to be critical towards others they shouldn't have had to remain anonymous.

    Fiona @


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