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Monday 14 July 2014

Life Lately.. #3

These are pictures from the past week or so. I know its very photo heavy but when I asked on Twitter you all said that was fine, so here we go!! PS there are probably quite a few photos on here that you've seen already if you read my blog a lot. SOZ

selfie before my aunties 40th party | me and boyfy at the party

Quick selfie. Got to be done! 
We rarely have photos taken together so I was glad we did!

my outfit | outfit shot again | me and nan with the white jean memo

I took TWO photos of my outfit on this day because I loved it. Don't ask me why.. You know when you just really like an outfit?
Me and my nan were accidentally both wearing white jeans hehe. We all went bowling for my brother and cousins birthday, I vlogged and you can see it HERE

my cutsie broski on his birthday with some of his presents | announcing my #WEBlogger chat

My brother had a faaab day and he loved all his presents, he got so much! 
I announced over on Tweeeeter that I was co-hosting a chat. It happened last night and was amazing! Such a great experience. Post about it coming soon :-)

princess Bailey | falling asleep on my feet | the bed I want to get her

On Friday I wrote a whole post about Bailey, our new doggy. She is truly my princess and is SO spoilt by me and Kayne. You can read that post HERE
I mentioned in the post that she loves my fluffy socks and we've since found out she also adores my fluffy cardigan. She's too cute for words!!! 
HOW CUTE IS THIS!? I really want to get it for Bailey but Kayne is dead against it.. for now ;-)

princess with her daddy

The top right photo is just my new favourite thing. I just cannot cope with the levels of cuteness. There is just so much love in this photo and I literally adore it. <3
Bailey loves sleeping in bed with us. She is so cuddly and calm, she's actually like a real human!

makeup rev palettes | funny makeup selfies using palettes

I wasn't going to include these pics because well.. you can see for yourself but thought I'd give ya'll a laugh! I got sent these GORGEOUS palettes from Makeup Rev (reviews coming soon, I promise!!) and I sent these selfies to my mum because I was so so happy with my makeup. 

some doggy photos | bailey and kayne asleep | family photo | bailey in my cardi

Thought I'd put these all together as there is a lot of cuteness and I'm not sure if you can handle it. All Bailey seems to do is sleep, literally. She's always asleep, but were not complaining! We play with her tonnes when she does wake up but she just looooves her sleep! As I mentioned she has been sleeping in bed with us most nights and I felt like a proud parent when she slept by herself until 7am the other day! Well done princess!! 
When I was going home yesterday, I went in to say good bye and I was greeted by this. How do they think I could leave when they were like this!! Tucked up in bed being cute!!! 
Our first (hungover) family photo. We actually slept all morning like this, was so lovely! 
Finally princess asleep in my fluffy cardi. I just think this is the cutest thing ever! I don't wear this much anymore but its that REALLY soft material and I got it from Primark last year.. She sleeps with one of Kayne's tshirts and one day she picked this up and put it on her bed. She has slept with it since. <3

So there we have it! I hope the photo overload wasn't too much for you all, but as I said they are mainly of my gorgeous doggy so who can complain! Another week done!!!

What have you been up to this week?


  1. That strawberry dog bed - amazing! x

  2. Love your make up :)

    You are welcome to check out my blog --
    Message me on insta --

  3. OMG BAILEYYYYY SO CUTEEEEE Lol Love that she likes your furry cardi and socks :P

    Lucie xx
    Fatbeautyx // My Youtube Channel

  4. Awh Daisy you're so pretty and your makeup is fab! Once again I'll say it, Bailey is a total cutie! :)

    Fiona @

  5. you're too pretty !!! love the pictures

    xxx selin

  6. You are so beautiful, and you and your bf looks like a cute couple :)
    Maybe you wanna follow each other? Your blog is lovely, so let me know <3
    xoxo, Mai ♥

  7. Sounds like a slightly odd comment to make but you seriously have your eyebrow game on! They're great!


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