fashion | beauty | lifestyle

Wednesday 5 March 2014


So if you follow me on Twitter you'll probably know I've been lacking a bit of motivation recently. I'm used to posting every day without fail. It has been 6 whole days since I haven't posted a thing. Although its absolutely killing me, I just can't seem to do anything about it! 

I know that only I can change it and I really don't know whats wrong with me but it seems like nothing is going to get me going. Most of you regular readers will probably know that Monday is my blogging day. Monday is the day I take all my photos, schedule all my posts ready for the upcoming week but for the past 2 mondays and all mondays for the foreseeable future, I'm not going to have the time. I've not even had to time to try out any of my new brushes!! :(

Last Monday I worked all day (not something I normally do!) and Monday just gone I had my first driving lesson. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't take up the whole day, no, but I don't then feel like going home to spend my night blogging. My driving lessons will now be every Monday which is annoying but can't be helped - I want to pass!! 

I usually find posts like these super annoying and normally wouldn't even give them a time of day, but I feel awful at the moment. I have still been spending A LOT of time commenting on posts and keeping up with twitter etc, I just haven't had any motivation to actually sit down and take the time to post anything.

Image found on google

I found this image online and I thought it is so me. 
If you know me personally or follow me a lot, you'll probably know this is what I do. I put things off for as long as I can just wishing it will get done for me. Of course it doesn't. But that doesn't stop me hoping. I wish my work would get done for me. I wish I wrote a post about this. I wish I could do better in college. But what is actually stopping me from doing these things?! Huge lack of motivation thats what. It doesn't help that I'm also coming to a bloggers block (which I'm told everyone suffers from at some point!). 

If you have any tips to get motivated or any blog posts you'd like to see, PLEASE let me know! Need your help!!! 



  1. I know how you feel, when I think of a blog post idea I'm so motivated and ready to write it but then by the time I've taken the photos, edited them and sat down I've just lost all my oomph haha. What I've found helpful though is when I feel motivated, like usually I'm about to go to sleep, I'll type it out on my phone in the notes section then later on copy and paste it onto blogger and edit it all when I'm on my laptop, it makes it less daunting! Don't worry you'll get your blogging motivation back it might just take some time! Why don't you do some tag posts? x

  2. I wouldn't worry to be honest! Don't post something for the sake of it. Wait until your inspired, even if that means a couple of weeks off, just so when you do write a post again it will be one you're really proud of! :) I'm currently writing my dissertation and I literally have no time to blog!! But education does come first, and I'm planning on having Sunday night off to write out a few posts and schedule them for the next couple of weeks! Everyone needs a break now and again to refocus. Don't let blogging become a chore, do it when you want to and don't force yourself to, that way it's more fun! xxx

  3. This is a great motivational post and I needed a motivation boost. Blogging motivation is hard to get sometimes but get inspired in or in different blogs xxx

  4. Aw Daisy *hugs* It sucks when you lose motivation but I know you and you will be back to normal in no time :D <3

    Lucie xx

    Fatbeautyx // Youtube


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