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Tuesday 14 April 2015

#eBayFinds 2

Missguided Oversized Shirt £5 | Jersey Smock Dress 0.99p

Finally I am getting round to writing the second #eBayFinds post! I know, I have been so slack. I had planned to make these weekly but life happened. Never fear, I am scheduling the next few weeks so they will always be up on time. If you missed my first post you can find it here

I know in the last post I said they were my two favourites but actually I think I was wrong (and I also think I'll probably change my mind in every single post.. dahhh..). 

Missguided Oversized Flower Shirt, worn. Price: £5 Delivery: £3.20
This Missguided shirt is so nice, I love it so much. I actually wore it on a night out with a waist belt and black jeans. You can find a picture on my Twitter. I think it actually looked really nice and I was so pleased. It is HUGE but I don't think that's a bad thing at all. You could wear it with jeans or you could also wear it as a dress (or with shorts!) if you were brave enough. Jersey Smock Dress, worn. Price: £0.99 Delivery: £2.80
This little gem was an absolute steal. Under £4 for it, I couldn't say no! I did think that it would have been bidder higher than it was but nope, I won it at 99p. I think you could wear this any way you wanted. Heels to dress it up, or (my personal favourite) with converse and a huge necklace. Yup, I did just say converse because we all know my trainer/dress combo faves.

I hope you enjoyed my second #eBayFinds, I will just warn you I have so many of these posts coming up so please be wear haha. If you have any #eBayFinds please tweet me at @daisydaisyxxo! 



  1. Ahh you are doing great with these eBay finds! Love the shirt!!
    Jennie Emma

  2. I love looking on eBay for cheap things, but then I'm always skeptical about the condition. Well done for finding some little treasures there! Love the Boohoo dress! :) x

    Karis //

  3. Woooo I've been waiting for this post haha! ;) I can't believe that dress only cost you like £4 and most of the cost was postage! I love oversized shirts too, good picks! :D

    Chloe // <3

  4. I can never find anything good on Ebay, so I am very jealous!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  5. I LOVE the top, I've just found the same pattern in a dress on Ebay, thanks for this post! x

  6. Such great finds ! I never find anything nice on Ebay !


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