Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmas Make Up - Panto!

Last year my mum got married in September, and our closest family friends gave us 4 tickets to go to the Panto. We decided that we should make it a tradition as it was so good and we had such a lovely time. We went yesterday to see Aladdin. It was really good! I love things like that.

The only slightly awkward thing is I've only just noticed I have a smudged eyebrow! 
It really put me off posting these pictures but hey-ho, what can I do!

Bro didn't want to have a picture :-(

Have you been to any pantos this year?! 


Thursday, 26 December 2013

ELF brush set

I knew I was getting some kind of brushes because of mum hinting, but I wasn't sure which.. I'm soooo glad I got this brush set, I think she saw me looking at it because I was going to buy it myself! I'm yet to try the brushes (I will have tried them once you've read this.. scheduled post at its finest!) but I might do a full review in future. 

Have you tried these brushes?! 


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Christmas presents - new makeup

I guess you're going to see a lot of these posts in the near future, and probably become verrrryyyy bored of them. I had some time spare this morning so I thought I'd jump the gun and get mine in quickly! I was thinking of doing a mini series but then I thought most items I've received/will be receiving aren't fashion/beauty related, so I will just do posts as they come. Enough rambling.

I got a new camera! Wheey! I was so excited but now I have it, I have to admit its not the best considering the price tag.. and maybe my expectations were too high anyway! But nevertheless, hopefully the pictures will be slightly better than iPhone quality! 

I've come to a point where I have completely run out of everything makeup related, so my mum just got me a whole new EVERYTHING! I forgot to include in this but I also got a ELF 100 piece eyeshadow set which is amazing!

All my new bits. I'm sooo super happy and I might even post a makeup-of-the-day kind of post later using all my new things! Hehe.

Did you get any new makeup?! What did you get for Christmas?


Tuesday, 24 December 2013


I was trying so so soooo very hard to not do one of these typical 'merry christmas' cop out posts, and to do Blogmas properly but if I'm honest, its 11pm and I've only just got in from probably my most busiest day of the year! Here there and everywhere! 
I have far too many families and people to see and please! Same again tomorrow - oh the joys!

I must admit, I will be pleased when Blogmas is over and I can go back to blogging as and when I please (I do like to try and do every day, but when I'm not under pressure to do so, its much more pleasing!!)

So I guess all thats left to say is Merry Christmas! I'm not sure if Blogmas continues tomorrow and I will try and do a post (probably your typical what I got post), but if I don't, I hope you all have a lovely day and I will be checking in with some posts over the next week before I jet off to Norway!! 



Monday, 23 December 2013


My family is finally home from their hols! Hurraahhh!! 
I have had a manic day and if I'm honest, I very nearly forgot all about today's post. I have finished all my shopping, had work until 9 (sale set up), then my mum picked me up at 10 from my boyfy's. I'm now home after 2 weeks of being away, and boy it feels good! 

I was searching on my laptop for a post that I had written meaning to post but hadn't got round to it, and I couldn't find anything. I then started looking through old pictures, and found all my prom pics! So I thought I'd bore you with my prom details ;-)
 My prom was in July 2012. 

dress- monsoon (strangely where the picture was taken)
bag- accessorise 

bestie!! Who won't mind being on here :)

Daddy x

I couldn't find a good enough picture to include on here of my hair, but I basically had my hair in a bun that was put up by clips with a french plait on one side of my hair. I had my hair exactly the same for my mums wedding a few weeks later!

Sorry this isn't an amazing post, busy busy busy at the moment! I can't wait until Blogmas is over!! (Is that the 25th or the whole of December?!) 

Are you ready for Christmas?! 


Sunday, 22 December 2013


I know this post will seem like I'm completely late on the bandwagon, but I must admit, it is scheduled and this was written a few days ago.

I was aware of the yearly Soap & Glory deals, but I hadn't read up too much about this years. I started seeing on EVERY bloggers blog about 'the yuel monty', a package that's meant to be £60 and is on sale for £27 (yes, that's better than half price!!). As soon as I saw it, I thought it would be perfect for my mum. She loves Soap & Glory and this was perfect. 
I was waiting for it to come on sale whiles I was at college, but on the same day I had assessments etc, so I ended up missing them and they sold out! 
I had read somewhere on someone's blog that they were online only, so obviously I had this in my head. The next day I got a call from my nan to say there was tonnes in my local boots, so I quickly got there and got one!! Woohoo. 
There was honestly around 200 of them and they weren't selling very fast at all, not too sure why! 

The yuel monty is as I said, normally £60. I got it for £27, and it includes 9 full size products. 

  • Body Wash
  • Body Cream
  • Foot Mask
  • Hand Cream
  • Face Cleanser
  • Super Volume Mascara
  • Body Buffer
  • Body Lotion
  • Lip Pumping Gloss
  • Toiletry bag

Did you mange to get one?!


Saturday, 21 December 2013


Although in a previous post I slated MUA, I still have faith. I think a lot of people are put off when they have bad experiences, but because I really want to love MUA I'm defo giving it another chance! 
I was so excited when I found out MUA had their own website (why I thought they wouldn't have, I don't quite know..) and I spent agesssss looking at all the things that I wanted. I literally would be happy with every single thing on the website, but here are some of my favourites.

| blue palette | purple palette | felt liner | velvet lips |
 | velvet lips | skin primer | fixing mist | bronzer | brow kit  | lip stain | kabuki brush |

Do you like MUA?


Friday, 20 December 2013


If you're anything like me, over Christmas there is just a billion events and occasions you need to go to, and of course you're not going to wear the same thing to everyone of them, so here I have my Christmas outfits all from Topshop.

All of these outfits are absolutely perfect for any Christmas occasion. You can dress all of them up, and down and they will defiantly be my go-to outfits over the season! 

What are your go-to outfits?!


Thursday, 19 December 2013


Rimmel London | jet set red

Love this lipstick. I love everything about it; colour, texture, easy to apply, long lasting. The only thing is, it's one of those 'just appeared in my makeup bag' kind of lipsticks.. I don't remember buying it and I don't remember where from. 
I know it would be pretty easy to find out if they are still made (and I'm sure one of you would tell me), but then I run the risk of going and buying one and hating it due to me not knowing how old this one is. They could've changed everything about it since!

So this will remain floating in my makeup bag for when I want to use it.

Do you have any lipsticks like this? Are they still made?!

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